Parfois, au moment de disparaître dans les flots, le soleil lance sur l'océan une ultime et brève fulgurance: ce fameux rayon vert qui, d'après une légende écossaise, confère à ceux dont il a frappé les yeux le pouvoir de voir clair dans les sentiments et les coeurs.
(Sometimes, as it disappears beneath the waves, the sun sends one last, fleeting flash over the ocean: that famous green ray which, according to a Scottish legend, bestows upon those who have seen it the power to see clearly into the feelings and hearts of others).

Jules Verne, Le Rayon Vert

Eric Rohmer's films have a soothing effect on me, and I find myself particularly drawn to them during the summer months. I enjoy immersing myself in the subtle details of his storytelling.

Le Rayon Vert made me dream to see the green ray. I've never witnessed it in person so I just painted it. It's as simple as that.

Bisou, bisou, Jo

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